Septian, member of RR Medan. What Alumni Activities you have been involved? First, I have ever followed a meeting to discuss RR Medan’s programs in 2012 which was led by Ms. Olanda. Unfortunately, none of the fixed programs ran. We…
The Global Employment Changes and Challenges Seminar

Padang – (13/01) Pagi itu tak biasa. Tepat di Jalan Azizi No. 112 Padang, angin kian berhembus dari arah Barat. Begitu juga rembesan air hujan yang mengguyur rerumputan, juga pohon sekitar. Suasana mendung tak memengaruhi kegiatan learn, share and encourage…
12th Leadership Conference – Banjarmasin

Sixteen university students were very lucky as they were selected to join the 12th Leadership Conference in Banjarmasin on 11 – 15 November 2013. It exactly took place on Wisma Pelatihan Teknologi Agrobisnis Petani Kecil, located in Pelaihari, South Kalimantan.…