Reported by Yani Mariyani, grantee Medan State University Saturday, December 7, 2024, RR Medan (alumni and grantees) carried out an activity to share food with people in need at several points in the city of Medan. This activity aims…
RR Ambon: Literasi bersama Panti Asuhan Al-Khairaat
Reported by Novi Maria Kalasa, grantee Universitas Kristen Indonesia Maluku (Ambon) Saturday, November 23, 2024, RR Ambon held a Literacy activity at the Al-Khairaat Orphanage. This aims to provide an understanding of the importance of literacy from an early…
RR Medan: Welcoming New Grantee
Reported by Nanda Aprodita Saragih, grantee Medan State University Saturday, September 21, 2024, VDMI Regional Representative (RR) Medan held a Welcoming New Grantee, which was to welcome new grantees (Medan State University-UNIMED and North Sumatra University-USU) and provide an…