Reported by Yurike Adovina Kiubana, grantee Artha Wacana Christian University Saturday, September 7, 2024, Alumni and Grantees of RR Kupang held a Family Gathering at Sulamanda Beach (Mata Air Village, Tarus, Central Kupang District). The cool atmosphere of the…
RR Ambon: Jumpa Pela Gandong
Reported by Yohana Esi Oratmangun, alumna Indonesian Christian University, Mollucas Sunday, September 1, 2024, Regional Representative (RR) Ambon returned to activities after a hiatus for a while (with a two-year pandemic). The first meeting was held at Merdeka Square…
RR Medan: Reorganization for Regional Representative Medan
Reported by Nopri Sinaga (alumna Medan State University) From May 20 to June 25, 2024, the Medan Regional Representative (RR) held a selection for the 2024/2025 committee. The selection was held in three stages: registration, file selection and interview. On…