Written by Joti, VDMS grantees from Tanjung Pura University (UNTAN), Pontianak
In the village of Rasau Jaya Pontianak district, there is an elementary school building in which its floor and walls are still using wooden plank and it is already a lot of hollow and broken. Furthermore, learning facilities such as books are less, yet I am proud of the students and teachers in this school even though their school situation discourages them to learn and teach.
Students in this school mostly have a tremendous achievement that they can compete with students of other schools. Students in this school are very concerned with the education. When viewed from the side of the school building, there are many differences that are definitely nicer than the school in Rasau itself. However, they have a strong determination to help the school as shown by a stand that they provide at the side of the road for people to donate books, school equipment, and money.
Besides the students, teachers in this school are equally remarkable with the students, they teach with sincere, purely hearts just for educating students. They all have the same goal that is to deliver a good education quality. They reach his school hardly and provide their best every week even though they are not paid.
As university students, we should concern with the other students education because education is the first and foremost for a nation. It is hard to imagine what will happen to a place with no education at all. People may not be able to write, to read, etc. We are thankful that we are able to get it because there are still many people who do not get an education. It might be due to financial problem, due to facilities problems, etc. What should we do then? Keep studying and be care of other students. Students in Rasau Jaya Pontianak district elementary school show their seriousness in studying despite all limitations that they have. What about us?
A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 69| XI | 2017