Reported by Dina Ramadhani, grantee University of Sumatera Utara


Saturday, August 5 2023, Regional Representative (RR) Medan held an election for RR Medan officials for the 2023 – 2024 period via Zoom Meeting (15.00 – 16.30 WIB). Attended by Mrs. Pariasih Manoto (Head of VDMI Office), Dios Larosa (VDMI Staff), RR Medan alumni and grantees. This activity aims to regenerate officials to develop RR Medan activities.

Alumni and Grantees RR Medan

Previously, RR Medan alumni and grantees were sent forms to register themselves as official candidates. For one and a half hours, the activity was guided by Bobby Setiawan (Alumnus of the University of Sumatera Utara) and Febriani Putri Keren Goni (alumna of Medan State University). After the election, the following were elected: [1] Nopri Sinaga (Chairperson), [2] Desman Hura (Deputy Chairperson), [3] Dina Ramadhani (Secretary), [4] Bobby Manullang (Treasurer), and [5] Febriani Putri Keren Goni (Deputy Treasurer). In addition, they were also elected [6] Nelson Haria (Leader of USU), [7] Theresia Lubis (Leader of UNIMED), [8] Ririn Miranda Rahel (Coordinator of Social Division) with members [9] Juita Nur Afni [10] Muhammad Setiawan [11] Nicolaus Rado Adecandra Situmorang, [12] Lasmaria Theresia Sinurat (Coordinator of Education Division) with members [13] Yesayas Rumapea [14] Elensari Sihombing, [15] Yosefine Siringoringo (Coordinator. Creative Media Division) and members [16] Danang Aryo Kusumo.

Congratulations on the election of RR Medan officials for the 2023/2024 period, hopefully we can strengthen VDMI Family relations in Medan and have an impact on the surroundings. Thank you to officials 2022/2023. Good luck.

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