Reported by Anggit Larasati, grantee from Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember (Surabaya)
Bullying becomes one of the social problems that have a negative effect, one of the effects is death. The case of bullying happened in several places in Indonesia, included in the closest family and area of education. Considering the importance of education to people about bullying, RR East Java-Bali held the counseling to teachers and parents in one of the kindergartens in Surabaya.
This event was held on Saturday, June 22th 2019 at 08.00 a.m. this activity attended by around 20 parents. This event was carried by Annisa – alumna from Hang Tuah University – and Anggit – Grantees from Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember – . This event was running well and there no significant obstacles. In this event, RR East Java-Bali gives the description of the phenomenon of bullying that happens in society and then, giving the information about the effect and how to prevent the bullying toward children. The event was ended with the statement of commitment to not do violence to children both physically and psychologically and the closed with the giving memento and taking the picture together.
Through this event, it is expected that society has a description of bullying and can be the first person that prevent and stop the activity of bullying in their society because bullying has a big impact. Learn-Share-Encourage.