Reported by Agusta Rambu Jajila (Alumna from Artha Wacana Christian University)


VDMI Alumni Association Regional Representative Kupang held a sharing session on February 2nd, 2020. The event attended by alumni and grantees who live in Kupang. Started from 1 PM, the event occurred at Artha Wacana Christian University, one of the partners of VDMI. There were a total of 50 participants from Nusa Cendana University (UNDANA), Widya Mandira University (UNWIRA), STIKOM Uyelindo, Artha Wacana Cristian University (UKAW).

Amelia Hasnida, the Ph.D. Candidate from Erasmus University Rotterdam, shared her experience in gaining the scholarship and finishing her study in the Netherland. Furthermore, Serlinia Rambu Anawoli, the chairperson of RR Kupang, shared her experience during her short course in New Zealand as well as her active role in the Indonesian Women Coalition. At the end of the event, Serlinia suggested all of the participants and VDMI grantees contribute themselves to their communities and social activities. Those contributions will make them stand out among other applicants in the scholarship selection process. Also, two former Citizenship Workshop, Apristo and Elsita shared their experience in attending the workshop. They both suggested all of the VDMI grantees maximize this scholarship and actively participate in every event held by VDMI because the events will be beneficial for their future.

The sharing session led by Daniel Nofri, former staff of the VDMI office in Yogyakarta. The participants were enthusiastic due to most of them eager to continue their studies to a higher level. They keep asking questions during the session. After the sharing session, the participants walked to the Oesapa beach to take care of the Mangrove trees that previously planted by VDMi alumni and grantees. At the end of the event, all of the participants enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the Oesapa beach and had a photo session together.

Sharing Session with Amalia Hasnida “Why should study abroad?”

Sharing Session with Serlinia Anawoli

Caring Mangrove Trees in Oesapa Beach

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