Reported by May Nelsa Putri Ritonga, VDMS Grantee from North Sumatera University (USU), Medan
Wednesday, 21st June 2017, VDMS alumni and grantees RR Medan hold charity program in Mamiyai Orphanage. This activity was held to show and share our love, Alumni and Grantees RR Medan to the orphanage children. All of us collected our money and gave it to Head Female Orphanage, so that she can use later for children Orphanage needs.
Beside alumni and grantee RR Medan, some people out of VDMS member also participated to give their help. This activity attended by two alumni: Desy Monica and Kanura Ichtiar, grantee from North Sumatera University: May Nelsa Putri Ritonga, and publics had attended they are Triana Permatasari Ritonga and Ayu Wahyuni.
The activity running well from 10 am until 1 pm, and we also hold sharing session to listen what the children hope. The most said that they want to be a better child to their parent, and also they want to be a success person in the future. And last, they said thank you for people who still care with them and prayed for this people may God always protect and bless them.
A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 65| VII | 2017