Reported by May Nelsa Putri Ritonga, VDMS Grantee from North Sumatera University (USU), Medan

On November 2017, Teaching to Inspiring program in Mamiyai Orphanage has entered the tenth months. Many things that happened during this program was running. Alumni and Grantees Medan have done all the best for kept track of this program. But unfortunately we have to say that this program was stopped until the time has not been determined. We respect the decision of the Mamiyai’s vice chairman who asked to stop this program. According to the Mamiyai’s vice chairman, they wanted to focus the children to their study and activities in school. Beside of it, we made a simple farewell in Mamiyai. Might it is event be last teaching activity to there. From RR Medan has attended by May Nelsa Putri Ritonga and Rizka Amelia (Alumni from USU).We took last moment in Mamiayi’s by ate and watched motivation movie with the children. And the last, Umi as a vice of women Mamiyai dormitory said their gratitude to VDMS for our caring to Mamiyai’s children and apologize if they have mistake. All of Alumni and Grantees Medan also said thanks a lot to the Mamiyai Orphanage and apologize if we have made mistake during we taught in Mamiyai.

We said our gratitude to mamiyai orphanage who has accepted us all this time.

A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 69| XI | 2017

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