Reported by Cut Melani, VDMI grantees from State University of Padang (Padang)


VDMI Grantees from State University of Padang (UNP) conducted a charity concert with the title “Satu Tangan Memberi Seribu Manfaat #VDMIPeduli” at GOR Haji Agus Salim, Padang, West Sumatera on Sunday 20th October 2019. This activity aimed to raise funds to be donated to patients in a patient shelter in West Sumatra. The shelter is a home for patients who come from West Sumatra and outside West Sumatra who don’t have enough money to be in-patient. The patients ranging from those who have a heart leak, cancer, paralysis, and other diseases.


All the preparations of the event were done by grantees (i.e. ranging from the concept design, looking for volunteer as the performers, and promoting the events). Performers come from various backgrounds and talents such as choirs, solo, musicals poetry, acoustics, etc. The performers are young people who have extraordinary talents in Padang.


When collecting the donations, VDMI grantees brought a donation box that has been affixed with the donation statement. All of the Grantees spread around all points of locations such as stadium. This activity was fully supported by the PIC of UNP, Mrs. Lediyana and Mr. Boy Arif Wilson. The activity was also attended by alumni from UNP, Viny Elvia. Viny helped to encourage the sustainability of the event. Grantees of RR Padang from Andalas University and Bung Hatta University also helped collecting the donations during the event as well as cheer up the concert.


The last session was photo session with all performers. Finally, grantees thanked to all participants who helped run the event. The distribution of the donations will be done a week after the concert. Donations will be distributed at the same time with further activities at the patient shelter.


VDMI grantees from UNP suggested, “Do kindness as much as you can, because we never know which kindness that is blessed by god. Keep spirit to building the nations. Fighting!”

Performers in Charity Concert RR Padang

Performance from Andalaswara Choir

Charity Concert’s Participants

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