Reported by Sri Utari Riri Putri Sofiani (Grantee from Bung Hatta University)
Friday, January 3rd, 2020 Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia (VDMI) grantees from Bung Hatta University conducted the socialization of VDMI scholarship. Bringing the theme of “How to Get the VDMI Scholarship”, this event was held at 6th building, 4th floor, Kampus Proklamator II Bung Hatta University. The application for VDMI scholarship in 2020 will be opened soon. Thus, VDMI grantees from Bung Hatta University initiated this socialization. This event aimed to inform university students in Padang about the scholarship. The speakers were VDMI alumni and Communication and Alumni Relation Officer, Dios Yarona Larosa.
The participants were students from Bung Hatta University, Padang State University, as well as Andalas University. The participants were enthusiastic while the speakers explained the history of VDMI, the scholarship application requirements, and the capacity building programs that will be received VDMI grantees once they are admitted into the VDMI family.
One of the grantees from Bung Hatta University, Qudsiyyah Sri Raharjo, suggested all participants pay attention on the speakers’ explanation and do not hesitate to ask questions about anything related to VDMI scholarship. “Use this opportunity as much as you can so that you can be the next VDMI grantees. Pay attention, do not forget to take a note on the impotant points, and ask a question when it is needed,” said Qudsi.
The Head of Academic and Students Administration Bereu (BAAK) Bung Hatta University, Suamperi S.H M.H also attended this event. He suggested, “Students who receive VDMI scholarship are those who creative, inovative, and good at grabing opportunities. In order to continously receiving this scholarship, you should maintain at least 3.00 of your GPA.” Suamperi highlighted that every year there will be scholarship opportunities for students. Thus, he suggested the participant sharing information and knowledge to their friends who need scholarship. The leader of Regional Representative (RR) Padang, Viny Elvia, encouraged the participants never give up in finding opportunities. She also explained about events conducted by alumni and grantees of RR Padang.
One of the participants from Bung Hatta University, Febby Hanindia Hanem, expressed her impression while attending this event. She explained, “Infact, VDMI scholarship is different than other scholarships which only provide financial support. This scholarship also provides students with events that can change their mindset and broden their horizon such as the Citizenship Workshop as well as Regional Meeting.” Similar to Febby, another participant, Ozi Ananda Putra suggested, “This event is very beneficial. So, we can prepare things that we should prepare to apply for the VDMI scholarship. I also gain motivation from the inspiratiolnal stories presented by the speakers and grantees who had the opportunities to attend VDMI capacity building events.