Reported by Mega Sukmanajati, grantee from Sanata Dharma University (Yogyakarta),
On Sunday, May 13, 2018, alumni and grantees VDMI Yogyakarta was held a meet-up as one of the routine agenda that conducted once every month. In this time, the meeting was held at VDMI office in Yogyakarta. It was attended by VDMI alumni who were in Yogyakarta, Dios and Kadek. Not only that, the meeting was also attended by all representatives of VDMI grantees Yogyakarta consisting of Rizal & Inamer from UGM, Dea & Mega from USD, and Vika & Zidni from UII.
The meeting was started from 17.00 – 19.00 WIB, and it discussed the activities that have been implemented and the ones which will be implemented. Several activities that have been done are book donations held on 23 April 2018 which are sent to four locations namely Sentani, NTT, NTB, and Maluku. In this meeting also discussed the activities that have to be undertaken and is expected to be a routine activity such as book donation once every two months which will start after May 17, 2018, then the activity plan to go to BPPTG, and plan to visit orphanage to do storytelling and Iftar as well. The proposals for BPPTG activities are almost completed, and donations are opened for such activities.
Not only that, in Wednesday, May 16, 2018, alumni and grantees VDMI Yogyakarta did packing book activity, and on May 17, 2018, they delivered a book donation to the Post Office. As the results, in May 2018, RR Yogyakarta have sent the books to three reading parks, namely Rumah Belajar Laimajulung (Sumba), Pustaka Apung Balikukup (East Kalimantan), and Taman Baca Katela (Kendari).
A2A E – Newsletter Vol. 75| V | 2018