Everybody in this world must have a main role and even more. The students’ main role is studying and the employees’ main role is working, but how about a part time job? Many people are familiar with this, but in contrast not many people want to choose this as their way of life. Yet, being one of the students who decided to work while going to university is not a bad choice. We,perhaps, often hear people say that knowing money while studying could disturb our mind, our focus. It is said so because students who have got salary usually only think about the money which then could disturb their concentration to study. However, there is nothing wrong with working while studying as long as they can balance them.

“The students who are involved in studying and working put themselves in a problem,” said some people. We may agree with that but we can prove that it is not totally right by doing some things for balancing studying and working below:

1. Before deciding to take a part time job, think about the advantages and disadvantages. The part time job, which is linier and supports your study, is better and more suggested;

2. Convince yourself that you are able and it is the right choice;

3. If you are a person who is hard to manage time well, list the activities that you usually do, leave the unimportant ones and make your new hectic schedule;

4. Commit yourself to be discipline, moreover try and force yourself to obey the new hectic schedule to study and work;

5. If you feel very tired, think about your future that this is for yourself, not others;

6. Love your health. Remember to respect your health. At first it could be hard to manage everything, but day-by-day everything may be more interesting and you can be accustomed to be able to manage time and activities, to be discipline and be responsible.

You would never regret spending your time while young to do good things and people would consider you differently for your hard working to balance studying and working altogether. Enjoy how interesting life would be if you can success your study and your work.


Rizky Amelia
Alumna of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

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