Written by Joti, VDMS grantees from Tanjung Pura University (UNTAN), Pontianak In the village of Rasau Jaya Pontianak district, there is an elementary school building in which its floor and walls are still using wooden plank and it is already…
23rd Regional Meeting Gorontalo
Van Deventer-Maas Stichting hold 23rd Regional Meeting on 13th – 15th October 2017 in Gorontalo. The event attended by 40 students from State University of Gorontalo, 2 VDMS alumni in Gorontalo, PIC from UNG Pak Udin Hamzah, S.Pd and Annisa…
RR Yogyakarta – “Program Mengajar” on September 2017
Reported by, Casmira G. De Araujo, VDMS alumna from Nusa Cendana University (Undana), Kupang On 5th September 2017, RR Yogyakarta started the project “Program Mengajar” in Pondok Asuh Harapan. The alumni and grantees were contribute in this project are Noval…