Reported by Dea Ayu Rafika, grantee from State University of Semarang (Semarang) Sunday, July 21, 2019, The RR (Regional Representative) of Semarang has successfully held “Gang Edukasi” activity on the outskirt of the Kota Lama, Semarang. We carried out…
RR Kupang: Creativity Building for Children in Taman Baca Oesapa
Reported by Serlinia Rambu Anawoli, alumna from Artha Wacana Christian University (Kupang) On Sunday, July 14, 2019, as many as sixty eight participants consisting of fourty two children of Taman Baca Mangrove members were accompanied by six parents, twelve…
RR East Java-Bali: Counseling of Bullying to Parents
Reported by Anggit Larasati, grantee from Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember (Surabaya) Bullying becomes one of the social problems that have a negative effect, one of the effects is death. The case of bullying happened in several places in…