Reported by Risky Jumatul Ikhsan, alumnus Padang State University Sunday, December 17 2023, VDMI Regional Representative Padang held another activity at the ‘Aisyiyah Orphanage located in Lubuk Minturun, Padang. This activity was attended by Unand and UNP grantees and…
RR KUPANG: Simulasi Media Pembelajaran Matematika di Taman Baca Oesapa
Reported by Febriana A Soares, alumna Widya Mandira Catholic University Sunday, December 3 2023, as usual, Kupang alumni and grantees are doing activities at Taman Baca Oesapa. This time there were guests from PGSD Study Program Students at San…
RR Kupang: Meningkatkan Minat Bakat anak-anak Taman Baca Oesapa
Reported by Maria Bernadet Suryanti Lahur, grantee Nusa Cendana University (Kupang) Sunday – 19 November 2023, Regional Representative (RR) Kupang held activities to increase children’s talent interest at Taman Baca Oesapa. This time it was a little different, grantees…