Reported by Awan Hermawan, grantee Airlangga University (Surabaya) April 12, 2023, VDMI Family of Airlangga University held a sharing and learning event together at Kampoeng Dolanan, Surabaya. This activity was initiated by opening a donation. The activity was attended…
RR Medan: Gathering
Reported by Dina Ramadhani (grantee University of North Sumatera) and Theresia Lubis (grantee Medan State University) VDMI Regional Representative Medan held a gathering with the theme CARE (Creative, Active, Responsible, and Empathy). The activity was held on March 4,2023 for University…
RR Medan: Sosialisasi Beasiswa Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia 2023
Reported by Febriani Putri Keren Goni, grantee Medan State University Saturday, 11 February 2023, Regional Representative (RR) Medan held the Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia Scholarship Socialization with the theme “Are You the Next VDMI Family 2023?”. The socialization was held for…