Manado (21/9), TOEFL Workshop is included in Young Professional Communication Skill Series Part 2 held by Regional representative Manado. Seven alumni as the participants were informed about necessary information about TOEFL, such as what TOEFL is, the purpose, types, type of Questions, scoring system, and what to prepare before they jump into the real test. Ferdy Maengkom, a VDMS alumnus, as the tutor also provided TOEFL Prediction Test, and DINE and Q-Time.

TOEFL is indeed important for everyone because it is included in almost all requirement either for a job or enrollment in schools or universities. This preparation also should be carried on with individual effort, such as expanding English vocabulary, read a lot English texts, listen to simple stories, and so on. The key here is “practice makes perfect”.

Liza Handoko

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