Reported by Ria Julita, alumna Tanjungpura University (Pontianak)
Alumni and Grantees of Tanjungpura University held a social action on August 3, 2024 with the theme “Tebarkan Kebaikan dan Berbagi Kepada Orang Sekitar”. They distributed food and drinks to the homeless and people in need in the Pontianak area and its surroundings. This activity aims to share and foster empathy for those in need. The areas visited for the activity were TPA Kubu Raya, Pasar Tengah Pontianak and Darat Sekip Pontianak.
Thank you to all who have donated materials and non-materials so that this activity can be carried out smoothly. Hopefully this activity can be carried out routinely, so that kindness continues to be shared with those in need. Hopefully what has been given can be useful. See you in other social activities.