Reported by Susanly Ainun Handoko, grantee from State University of Gorontalo (Gorontalo)
Grantees and Alumni of YVDMI Gorontalo conducted gathering and sharing sessions on September 1st and 6th, 2019. The gathering served as the welcoming event for the new grantees as well as the place for grantees socialize with VDMI alumni. The first gathering held on the Toea Café rooftop and had eight attendees. The event was started with an introduction of the attendees and continued with a sharing session by Ansar Yusuf, one of the grantees who attended the Citizenship Workshop in Bandungan. Ansar suggested the benefit of the Citizenship Workshop and shared his experience in making his essay and motivation letter as the mandatory requirements for the participant selection process of the Citizenship Workshop.
Furthermore, Susanly, one of the participants of the 2019 Excellent Writing Workshop in Surabaya, also shared her experience during the workshop such as how she initially created her writing then sent it to VDMI. The second gathering session (September 6th) conducted by BAKP Gorontalo State University (UNG) and attended by Endang Panigoro, the Person in Charge (PIC) UNG. This second gathering was brainstormed the concept of the activity which will be held on September 29th, 2019. Endang was expecting that VDMI Gorontalo could create innovation at the end of this month.