Reported by Siti Indarwati Asriana, grantee from Hasanuddin University (South Sulawesi) RR Makassar held Ramadhan iftar with 25 LKSA Assyifa residents On Saturday, May 8. This event started from 17:00 up to 19:00 WITA. It aimed to build a strong…
RR Padang: Ramadhan Iftar at Nur Ilahi Orphanage
Reported by Fadel Muhammad, grantee from Padang State University On May 1, RR Padang held iftar at Nur Ilahi orphanage, Padang. The iftar moment was utilized to distribute the donation from the VDMI Goceng program held for five months,…
RR Medan: Ramadhan Iftar and Sharing Session
Reported by Nopri Sinaga, grantee from Medan State University On May 1, Regional Representative (RR) Medan had Ramadhan iftar together. By keep adhering to health protocol, the event started at 17:00 WIB in one of the restaurants in Medan.…