Written by Elisabet A. Werang, VDMS Alumna from Widya Mandira Catholic University (UNWIRA), Kupang Sebagai seorang dosen junior di sebuah universitas swasta di Nusa Tenggara Timur hanya dengan gelar S1 di bidang Bahasa Inggris, saya paham betul bahwa dibutuhkan usaha…
RR Yogyakarta – “Program Mengajar” in May – June 2017
Reported by Casmira De Araujo, VDMS Alumna from Nusa Cendana University (UNDANA), Kupang It’s been a year that alumni and grantees of VDMS RR Yogyakarta hold a teaching program or “Program Mengajar” in Pondok Asuh Harapan since May 2016. Even…
RR Banjarmasin – Introducing IELTS
Reported by Witri Loviyanti, VDMS Grantee from Lambung Mangkurat University (UNLAM), Banjarmasin Different from the previous program which is TOEFL Training and Sharing by RR Banjarmasin, this activity was new for alumni and grantees. We call the first meeting as…