Septian, member of RR Medan.
What Alumni Activities you have been involved?
First, I have ever followed a meeting to discuss RR Medan’s programs in 2012 which was led by Ms. Olanda. Unfortunately, none of the fixed programs ran. We tried keep asking her enthusiastically but no follow up given.
Second, sharing inter members brought by alumnus of VDMS. His name is Indra Lesmana. He is a lecturer now.
Which one is the most interesting and useful for you?
Sharing activities among members
Suggestion and recommendation
I think there should be a perpetual communication among RR Medan through monthly meeting (regular meeting). So that, every program can be run well. The meeting doesn’t have to be held in restaurant. Simple yet convenient place like under the tree is supposed to be considerable
Do you have any suggestion for the next actitivies?
I suggest to make an entrepreneur program like selling handy craft or traditional clothinginitiated and built by vDMS members whose benefits can be shared equally or given for charity.
Velly, member of RR Ambon.
What Alumni Activities you have been involved?
New Mindset Seminar dan Mangrove Planting
Which one is the most interesting and useful for you?
Kedua kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan sebenarnya sama berguna dan menarik, akan tetapi menurut saya yang lebih berguna itu “New Mindset Seminar”. Seminar ini mengubah cara pikir adalah hal paling penting karena dengan demikian akan mengubah sikap kita dalam melakukan sesuatu yang berguna.
Suggestion and recommendation
Lebih menyentuh ke masyarakat khsusunya anak-anak, contohnya: rumah singgah, membuat semacam kursus singkat untuk anak-anak di daerah Maluku yang masih agak tertinggal.
Do you have any suggestion for the next actitivies?
Natal bersama
Nur, grantee of Airlangga University, Surabaya.
What Alumni Activities you have been involved?
Visiting Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker (YKAK) in Surabaya.
Which one is the most interesting and useful for you?
YKAK. I learned that life must go on and never give up. Believe in miracle.
Suggestion and recommendation?
Preparation and execution better than before.
Do you have any suggestion for the next actitivies?
Clean your campus day.
Annis, grantee of Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan.
What Alumni Activities you have been involved?
I had been involved an activity called Throw the trash to keep our environment clean (Banjarmasin Bungas) around Sabilal Muhtadin Mosque in Banjarmasin.
Which one is the most interesting and useful for you?
That was the most interesting for me because beside we can do some sports (the activities do in Sunday Morning) we can also invite others to join collecting the trashes and throw it in the garbage. So, the environment will be clean.
Suggestion and recommendation
I expect that for the next event, there will be more volunteers to join with us. Not only the member and alumni of VDMS, but also college students or our friends can join to this event.
Do you have any suggestion for the next actitivies?
Yes I have. Maybe we can do some activities such as Plant Trees to reduce pollution or some social activities that can help people and environment.