Reported by Susanly Ainun Handoko, grantee from Gorontalo State University (Gorontalo)


Together with a new start-up in education, Scholarship Hunters (Schoters), VDMI Alumni and Grantees from Gorontalo State University (UNG) conducted an IELTS Prediction Test. The event was held on November 9, 2019, at the Public Health Department and attended by 24 participants. The event was held from 08.00 to 16.00 WITA. The committee of this event consisted of grantees from UNG and the Sahabat Beasiswa Gorontalo community.


This event is rare in Gorontalo. The participants attended this event because they either want to get scholarships abroad or they want to fulfill the requirement of the job that they will apply. English comprehension score most of the time is the mandatory requirement of applying for scholarships abroad as well as some particular jobs. The event also served as a medium for VDMI grantees in Gorontalo to meet with each other. Four grantees who attend this event are Susanly Handoko, Siti Rahmatia Ntou, Hardiman, Lastri Aula, dan Suryani Lakoro. It is expected that more grantees can join to hold some other beneficial events in the future.

Participants of IELTS Prediction Test

Committee of Scholarship Hunters (Schoters) Gorontalo 2019

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