Reported by Elsita Rambu Kahi, grantee from Christian Artha Wacana University (Kupang) Taman Baca Oesapa comes back with activities with children and RR of Kupang. This event was held on 15 July 2018 from 15.00 – 17.00 WIB. This…
RR East Java-Bali – Berbagi Kasih di Bulan Suci
Reported by Annisa Taqwa Zazi Muslim, alumna from Hang Tuah University (Surabaya) RR East Java-Bali has done their again in June. This activity became one of the mandatory agenda that is always done every holy month of Ramadan. If the…
RR Kupang – Launcing Taman Baca Mangrove Oesapa
Reported by Agusta Rambu Jajila, grantee from Artha Wacana Christian University (Kupang) RR Kupang in cooperation with the Indonesian Women’s Coalition established ‘Taman Baca Mangrove Oesapa’ on June 3, 2018 in one of the houses of the coastal residents of…