Reported by Putri Mei Wulandari Tuati, grantee from Nusa Cendana University (Kupang) On April 13, 2019, the Grantees of VDMI Undana Kupang visited Panti Asuhan Generasi Pengubah (orphanage) which located at the end of Desa Belo, Kota Kupang. This orphanage…
RR Padang :Kegiatan Rutin Rumah Baca Kampung Tanjung
Reported by Oktizalia Pratiwi, grantee from Andalas University (Padang) As a commitment to RR Padang in VDMI’s motto that is ‘Learn, Share and Encourage’, on March 17th, 2019, RR Padang held a routine activity at Rumah Baca Kampung Tanjung…
RR East Java-Bali : Listen to Our Voice
Reported by Annisa Taqwa Zazi, alumni from Hang Tuah University (Surabaya) HIV/AIDS is still an issue in Indonesia. By definition, HIV is a virus that attacks a person’s immunity, the main cause of AIDS. The virus can infect anyone…